Nina Ijomone

A Little Girl, 2022 

A Little Girl is the first confession to one’s own failure, a great oversight.
“Don't get stuck in a bad relationship as it hurts everyone.
Being lonely is not easy. But being with the wrong person can do more harm than good. Exposing your suffering after a breakup is often regarded in society as a weakness, not to be admitted. What if the relationship made one of you sick? Once the relationship breaks down, the aftermath is even worse. I know that because I just left a toxic relationship. In hindsight, I was doing this to myself. Could my self-portraits be a cure and help satisfy my hunger for love or is it just another trap?

I admit that I am addicted to emotions but sometimes it is easier to blame someone for mistakes that we make ourselves, although we are not always aware of it.”

The poem is not only a conversation with an
ex-partner but a plea to my internal little girl to wake up. 


A Little Girl

I run in the dark
My heart trembles.
It trembles like a captured bird.
Can’t you see I am scared?
You say you love me?
Please do.
I will have to do things I should not do
Or instead
Let me release my wings
Let me go
Let me do all I  want what I should not do.

Nina Ijomone

The Body, 2021 

Photography allows me to express myself as a woman in a society that celebrates feminism. Feminism can be a simple concept but is often misinterpreted. In my work, I wanted to express my concern for women, their bodies, their diversity, origin, religion and personal experiences, emphasizing the benefits of being a woman, which we often forget when fighting for rights and equality in the male world.